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“Velveteen: The Real Girl Short Fiction Collection: A Short Fiction Collection, By: Velveteen” is the story of a young Woman who travels back in time to 1983 San Francisco, where she descends into the seedy underground circuit. She subsequently triumphs over her "Manager” (Lil Boochie), as well as the symbolic representation of Pure Evil embodied in the character Jackie_drew. In the end, Velveteen goes on to find Love and Redemption at an eponymously-named Chicken Sandwich Restaurant.
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Okay and and what I would tell you is that I would rather I appreciate the fact what we did was we're under promising and over delivering today I think that's over the last text unfairly and there are great men and women then it may be incorrect but guess what we're doing what we're doing here is something I think it's important you know something may change again here's what I do know though right now this is one of the safest places on Earth it doesn't mean that nothing being transparent unfortunately for that there is some information that we have to go back and of how that 14 and then the shooter himself would be 15 total a couple hours prior to the does something like this that's what we call it after action review because again nothing is 100% we have reinforced area we have deployed some additional types

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Andrew Book – (Name TBD) – Outline
Chapter 1: The unraveling

  • The book starts with the author heading to a Thai restaurant in Boston Park Plaza, where he’s been invited for by his father. The year is 1982, and the author is near to graduating from Emmerson college. The author has never had a close relationship with his father or with his mother, so he goes to the lunch more out of curiosi okty.
  • Once at lunch the author and his father indulge in light conversation. And during the conversation, his father, out of nowhere tells him how he was conceived. This revelation kicks off the unraveling of the story that has been repressed so far by his own mind, and also was hidden behind a creatively crafted façade by his parents, who have been divorced for years now.
  • Author describes the weird relationship that he has always had with his parents. How they were very different people than regular folks. Their inappropriateness that stems from them being progressive and socialists or communists since the early 60s.
    Chapter 2: ...
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