Currently like on the War Room with Owen Shroyer discussing my latest video!
Tune in now!
Chapter 3
So Much Easier
The screen flickers. Always flickering. It’s the first thing I see; sometimes, it feels like the only thing I see. Not real things, not the peeling paint on the ceiling, not the dust motes dancing in the weak sunlight that dares to peek through the grimy blinds. No, just the screen. The offering. The endless, grotesque offering.
It started… I don’t even remember when it truly started. There was always that undercurrent, wasn’t there? A hum in the air, a phantom itch beneath the skin. Dad’s rage… the way he looked at me sometimes, like I was the reason for everything wrong in his miserable life. Mom, always fading, always shrinking, a ghost in her own house… I just wanted to disappear. Escape.
And then I found it, with my dad, ironically. ‘Hardcore’, 1979, where a man almost ends up busting his balls to his own daughter, Kristen Van Dorn, at a bondage dungeon. ‘Taxi Driver’, 1976, by Martin Scorsese and written by Paul Schrader, who directed ‘Hardcore’ two years later, where a young Jodie Foster ...